“How do I find my word count?”

Articles per Word Deal.png

Mr. Bohemian uses word count to measure and commodify his writing and editing services because it’s the most precise rate to help consumers envision and plan their result. It’s also the most economical: When can a client and anonymous writer ever agree on the writer’s true work capacity per hour? With words, the work load is mutually understood and paid for.

Word Count from Character Count

First, make sure you don’t mix word count and character count. This blunder is the fastest way to put your writer on a Bali summer vacation by paying them too much.

The word count is the amount of fully formed words, formal or informal, contained within a space:

You don’t want to know how McDonald’s feeds your kiddies with the kiddies of chickens.

  • Word count = 15

The character count is the number of any letter, symbol, or other character within a space:

I dropped my keyboard into the blender, “asca%^#$gv1239xxh23&^$DRYnkxq9.”

  • Word count 8, character count 73.


Word Processors


Word processors are Bob’s first recommendation for clean, simple numbers on your word count. They can do this while offline. Word processors can track your word count as you type without the need to export the text. Exporting can be unreliable and onerous for large documents, such as novels, scripts, and legal documents.


The World Wide Web


Stand alone websites can provide a word count while online, along with other features, such as spellchecker scans and social network post margins. Be mindful, as these websites love to bloat their necessary service with ads and click-bait. Bob would never hurt you with… clickbait 🎣.

Got Words?

Start pricing your next project.