Commercial Scriptwriting 61sec–3min
Commercial Scriptwriting 61sec–3min
Each unit is one second of script length, action or dialogue. Every script is fully formatted: ready for online, live, or broadcast use.
Requires a minimum of 61 units to qualify for this reduced rate.
A rough draft is not necessary. Exclusive rights, not just commercial usage, are transferred to the buyer. See “What do I own?” for more details on ownership.
All text is original and unique. Language is optimized for grammar, style, necessity, and commerciality.
Scripts are written in The Cotillion’s house style:
Left alignment for names, dialogue, and stage action, like a book.
Single spaced
Distinct pages and titles for new scenes/acts.
Copyright page
Page #s center & bottom
Common urban font: Helvetica, Avenir, Now
See the Cotillion Cover extra for a booklet cover, logo, & stylized script.
Industry style, such as Samuel French and film, can be strictly followed upon request. Note the restrictions on submissions with Bob’s incorporated work in The Writer Client Contract.
This service is not for single person speeches, long plays/acts/films, or ghostwriting.
See below for product details and FAQ.
Bob can create scripts for the following and more:
Television commercials
Youtube commercials
Online commercials
Sales pitches
Kickstarter campaigns
Promo videos
Explainer videos
Whiteboard Animations
Web series
Company overviews
Short bios
Short documentaries
Education videos
Training videos
Radio broadcast
Who buys a script?
From stage left to the northeast corridor, Bob knows how to plot peeps and get them chirping for your bottom line. Envisioning the incarnated scene remotely and pragmatically can be a challenge—but Bob’s already seeing past your casting call. The writing of the live work must always keep in mind its matrimony to the visual, lest there be pointless revision and friction in the orchestrated effort.
It’s a breeze to have Bob produce your writing content. No need to clock work time with crossed fingers for effieciency. Per second rates help budget and stake your parameters immediately. When he’s done on his end, he’ll deliver the work product to your visual team to review at their leisure.
“Lights, Camera,” Don’t. Everyone says that. Bob won’t.
A phone charger company’s display ad only had 15 seconds to convey a message with sale leverage. That extra 5 seconds was more than enough for Bob’s succinct writing.
A fish n’ tackle shop tried writing their own script for a local television commercial, but discovered aloud that their language was too artificial, despite a knack for their product. Bob incorporated their commercial necessity, such as product details, into a more eloquent and natural speech.
Bob once wrote the script for a Kickstarter campaign about Invisible Slime. The kiddies could squish it, but they could never see it! It could never get dirty; ergo, the fun could never end. Even the creators had trouble envisioning it… so Bob helped make the intangible, tangible. The Kickstarter campaign was so successful, it never existed.
The Proscenium Arch Stage Directions
No False “Hollywood” Promises
Yea right. Bob wishes he take Bob to Hollywood at chump change rates like his competitors. Secure your entire production’s quality with a solid script at an economical price.
Exeunt Expertise
Authenticity and circular storytelling give audiences that crisp feel of a complete, natural experience, no matter the genre. Simply mount your product on the engine of Bob’s stage expertise.
Adroit Advertisement
Working in downtown Chicago, Bob has seen some unfortunate commercial failures in audience communication. Don’t be the business that spent 12 grand for real estate, only to embarrass themselves with flat ads.
A Full Bottle of Cliche-Away
Bob goes to Catholic Mass every week, along with spraying himself with Cliche-Away every morning to rid himself of evil, boring writing that is hardly better than the client’s rough draft. Why pay? 👎
The Right Writes™ Unlimited Revisions
Bob will work with your Stuff until you receive the Right Writes. Work product is guaranteed to fit all project standards and circumstances, or else receive a full refund—including processing fees.
Less Than One Week Turnaround
Bob aims to have most projects he takes on done in one week, tops. That includes the revision process.
No Word Salad
All writing is unique AND original, rather than a pointless variability, or “spinning,” of another’s content to disguise plagiarism.
Multi-tier Proofreading
Bob specializes in grammatical style and usage of the Queen’s English—God bless Her.
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