Included Images


Included Images


One live image is included per unit. Hand-drawn illustrations are not included.

Provide high definition images to use alongside your writing content. Bob will coordinate only top tier quality photos to decorate his writing.

All images are guaranteed sourcing transparency. The Client is protected from all sourcing illegality with indemnification in the Writer Client Contract. Attribution rights include Bob and his involved partners.

Images can be used alongside product descriptions purchased at The Cotillion, but these images do not include product usage photos.

See below for product details.

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Who buys image usage?


Where do images come from? “The e-Stork?” “Isn’t that why I’m not charged when I save them onto my desktop?”

Every image originates from a photographer or illustrator, who may be hosting it with a diverse range of terms for its use. Licensing rights can be downright evil to understand. Let Bob deal with the Devil of Details for you at a darling price.



  • A tire shop had a flat website that looked like any other. They pimped their online presence with photos from around the garage, with a hybrid of images shot by professional models. Now customers see a garage with low prices, but not a low style.

  • A cooking mama felt invisible on her spicy BBQ turkey blog. Once she got images for her spicy BBQ turkey, people started flooding her blog after seeing how spicy her BBQ turkey looked from the search result thumbnails!

  • A private blogger didn’t even realize the legal issues she faced with the images she casually incorporated into her blog. Bob informed her that if she commodifies her blog’s traffic in almost any way, any images she uses are under commercial usage.