Dr. 2's diagnosis of patient Big Black Balloon by Eljon Wardally

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Patient: Big Black Balloon

Legal Guardian: Playwright Eljon Wardally

Insurance: Bookmarx Medical

Symptoms: exercise exhaustion, energy drink overdose, speckles of narcissism 

Diagnosis: exploding stomach

Patient Description:

β€œHenry: My ears are ringing. Gerald: Those are angels cheering for you.” Nurse, I thought we said no more jazzercise in the office. That includes patients. The dialogue between Me vs. Not-Me-Me went well. The legal guardian practiced tact when illuminating the stressful condition of eating disorder. The tone was new for me; it was a blend of bizarre, slightly scary, but often funny. The story frequently broke from reality for artistic effect and dramatic build, yet it didn't feel surreal or stretched.  While the piece was memorable, for me, there was too much confusion in the catharsis. In addition, the patient had an unnecessary potty mouth. It really weighed down any progress made by the story or writing. 

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